Friday, 15 July 2011

Analysis of our Mock Digipack

Overall, I am reasonably happy with our mock digipack. Although it uses the same image on each side, I am relatively happy that it conforms enough to the general conventions of Boy Band digipacks.

It conforms with the very popular convention to show all the members of the boyband and to ensure that they are all well dressed and looking quite smart.

We also have made sure that the name of our group stands out. This is also important as it means that the album would stand out in a shop. Which is the main objective of CD's (to sell and earn money).

Our back cover includes the legal necessities, but also has a bar code which is vital in the sale of the CD in store.

Despite all the other successes I believe we had, the picture above shows (in my opinion) the biggest shortfall with our digipack. The picture above clearly shows that the background we used behind the song names means that the song names are not clearly visible to the viewer. This is a big problem and we should have used another image as the background to ensure the song names are clearly viewed.

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