Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Audience Feedback on our digipack

We made various different versions of our front cover for the digipack. This was due to getting lots of audience feedback and changing our ideas according to the feedback we received. The feedback was from a wide variety of people such as friends, parents,  teachers and classmates.  Many of the changes we made were to make sure we conformed with our genre of "singer-songwriter".

Our first front cover was liked by many of our audience, however, they stated that it did not appear as if it were a front cover for a singer-songwriter, but for a dance artist like David Guetta etc. Therefore we took this on board and changed our front cover accordingly.

We used a picture that showed our artist clearly and did not cover his eyes with sunglasses. We also used a backdrop that appeared to be a wooden floor. This was to provide a calmer, nice look that would link more with our back cover. However,  the feedback we received from people was that the front cover appeared to look too much like a cartoon. Therefore we changed the image we were to use and started again.

We changed our original image to this natural image that really gave a calm mood which is suited to our genre. This image was greatly focused on our artist which we really wanted. The image also was similar to the other images we took for the digipack. This was good because it meant all the images we used were connected in some way.

Overall, we were very happy with our final front cover as it included everything needed and appears to look fairly believable as a front cover for a digipack.

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